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Oren Friedman, MD

Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon located in Philadelphia, PA & Radnor, PA

If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of your ears, otoplasty can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted. At Dr. Oren Friedman Facial Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Oren Friedman, MD, and his team of dedicated professionals have helped many people improve the appearance of their ears with safe and effective otoplasty procedures. To learn more or to schedule your otoplasty consultation, call the office or request a visit online.

Otoplasty Q & A


What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery, is a procedure to improve the appearance of your ears. During an otoplasty, Dr. Friedman can alter and improve the size, shape, or position of your ears to make them more suited to your personal taste.

Some people get otoplasty to correct congenital disabilities or improve their appearance after an injury, while others have the procedure because they feel like their ears are too big or stick out too far. 

Otoplasty is a cosmetic procedure and won’t alter or affect your hearing abilities.

Am I a candidate for otoplasty?

Dr. Friedman can perform otoplasty once your ears have reached their full size. This usually happens after age five, but in some cases, he can perform the surgery as early as age three.  

Often, teenagers come to the office complaining of being bullied due to the shape of their ears. Otoplasty can remove this stigma and help a child or young adult overcome the bullying to become more confident.

What happens during otoplasty?

Your otoplasty begins with a consultation. You discuss what you’d like to change about your ears and what you’re hoping to achieve with an otoplasty. Dr. Friedman then reviews your medical history and performs a physical examination.

During your physical examination, Dr. Friedman notes the placement, symmetry, shape, and size of your ears, and might take photographs to record the ear appearance..

The procedure takes place either at an outpatient surgical facility or in a hospital. In adults, it may often be performed in the office. Depending on your preferences and the details of your particular procedure, you might have a choice between general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

During the procedure, Dr. Friedman makes incisions either on the back of your ears, within their inner creases, or both.

Then, he folds your ear cartilage into the desired position and keeps it in place with internal stitches. Depending on your particular case, he might also remove some excess skin or cartilage.

What is recovery like after otoplasty?

It takes a few weeks or months to fully recover from otoplasty. Dr. Friedman covers your ears with bandages immediately after your surgery and instructs you to avoid sleeping on your side.

After a few days, you’ll visit Dr. Friedman’s office to have your bandages removed. You’ll notice an immediate change in the appearance of your ears, but they’ll likely still be swollen and red.  As you heal, Dr. Friedman suggests a loose headband to cover your ears at night for a few weeks to protect them while you’re sleeping.

To learn more about how otoplasty can improve your appearance, schedule a consultation with Dr. Friedman by phone or request an appointment online today.


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